10 Signals That Your Career Needs Coaching

If you're thinking about making a big career change, a career coach can offer the support and tools you need to make the move go smoothly.

1. Career Transition

A coach can assist in identifying obstacles and creating plans for professional advancement if you've held the same position for a long period without seeing any improvement.

2. Stagnation

A coach can help you explore career paths that fit your interests and values if you're unhappy in your current position but aren't sure what you want to do.

3. Job Dissatisfaction

A career coach can offer focused interview preparation and anxiety management strategies if you're finding interviews difficult or performing poorly.

4. Interview Anxiety

A coach can provide ways to make sure you're effectively advocating for yourself if you're unsure about how to negotiate compensation or perks.

5. Negotiation Challenges

A coach can help you feel more confident and offer an unbiased assessment of your abilities if you're feeling overawed by the job market or questioning your own ability.

6. Lack of Confidence

Setting reasonable and doable goals is something a career coach may help with if you're unclear about your professional objectives or the procedures required to get them.

7. Lack of Clear Goals

A coach can provide you advice on how to make improvements to your cover letter, CV, and job search strategy if you're not getting interviews or job offers despite applying several times.

8. Job Search Struggles

In the event that work is adversely impacting your personal life, a coach can assist in formulating plans to attain a more positive work-life equilibrium.

9. Work-Life Imbalance

If you've been out of the workforce for an extended period of time (for reasons such as raising children or health concerns), a career coach can assist you with reentering the workforce.

10. Return to the Workforce